大毛忽洞分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/大毛忽洞 自留地是桃花源,只种颜色不耕田。 点击 【博文】 看分类目录 邮箱: lishchlishch@163.com;lishchlishch@gmail.com

Damaohudong is the name of my hometown village. The geographic location of Damaohudong is Latitude 41° 17' 13.5" (41.2871°) north,Longitude 110° 5' 9.7" (110.086°) east and Average elevation 1,588 meters (5,210 feet).

  • 中国石油大学(华东),教授

    • 工程材料

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